Proxy is not supported under http transport. Change the transport to https and specify valid proxy information and try again

Proxy is not supported under http transport. Change the transport to https and specify valid proxy information and try again

Ao abrir o Exchange Management Console, quando expandia o Microsoft Exchange On-Premisses, recebia a seguinte mensagem de erro:

The following error occured when searching for On-Premises Exchange server: [exchange.nitmail.com] Connecting to remote server failed with the following message: The WSMan client cannot process the request. Proxy is not supported under http transport. Change the transport to https and specify valid proxy information and try again. For more information, see the about troubleshooting help topic.

Depois de procurar na Web, encontrei a solução. Você precisa abrir o registro da máquina e entrar na chave:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections

No valor WinHttpSettings, contém informações de proxy para o sistema. É esta informação que dá erro ao abrir o Microsoft Exchange On-Premisses. Apague esta opção e abra novamente o  Exchange Management Console.

E o problema termina.

Eduardo Seixas

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